read by Martin Jarvis
And Very Good indeed this is. Some of the best of Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster stories were published in Strand Magazine and then collected in book form at a later date. Very Good, Jeeves - the book - was first published in 1930, and eighty years have not diminished them one jot.
This first volume of the unabridged CSA recordings of the collection is full of Wodehouse's inimitable and unforgettable inventiveness, characterisation and storytelling. Admittably, Bertie truly is a silly ass, who speaks before he thinks, has been educated beyond his intelligence, shows questionable taste (in girlfriends, attire, vases, and songs), and demonstrates no specific aims in life: few redeeeming feature, in fact (and is it just the Eton and Oxford connections that make one think of our current prime minister?). Just why Jeeves wastes his time with Wooster is a matter for profound debate, perhaps ...
But not just yet - not before having savoured and relished Martin Jarvis's incomparable reading of: 'Jeeves and the Impending Doom'; 'The Inferiority Complex of Old Sippy'; 'Jeeves and the Yuletide Spirit'; 'Jeeves and the Song of Songs'; 'Episode of the Dog McIntosh'; and 'The Spot of Art'.
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